Compensation at par with extremist violence to victims of caste and communal violence.
In Jharkhand, victims of caste and communal violence will be given compensation on par with the victims of extremist and Naxalite violence for loss of movable and immovable property.
This amount will be a maximum of one lakh rupees and a minimum of 50 thousand rupees on the loss of immovable property.
This type of provision was earlier made only to compensate for the loss in Naxalite violence, in which cases of communal and caste violence have also been added.
Victims of caste and communal violence will get compensation equivalent to extremist violence.
In one of a total of 35 proposals approved in the monsoon session of the assembly held from July 28 to August 4.
The state cabinet has decided that now victims of caste and communal violence will be entitled to compensation for loss of movable and immovable property at par with the victims of extremist and Naxalite violence.
Compensation will be given. This type of provision was made in the past only to compensate for the loss in Naxalite violence.