Transparency International On Corruption: India Most Corrupt

Transparency International on corruption: Know – What is the situation of India in the case of corruption, how much government efforts are effective in curbing it.

India has fallen further in the case of corruption, which is extremely shameful. This is revealed in a recent report by Transparency International on corruption.

This report has described India as the most corrupt country in Asia. According to this report, Cambodia is second and Indonesia is third among other countries of Asia.

About 39 per cent of Indians believe they have resorted to kinship to get their work done, while in Cambodia it is 37 per cent and in Indonesia it is 30 per cent.

Let us also tell you here that in the year 2019, India was at the 80th position in 198 countries in the world in the case of corruption. This institution gave him 41 out of 100.

China was ranked 80th, Myanmar 130th, Pakistan 120th, Nepal 113th, Bhutan 25th, Bangladesh 146th and Sri Lanka 93rd.

According to this report, one out of every five in Asia has married.

62 percent believe that the situation will improve in the future. In contrast, Maldives and Japan jointly number one in the most honest countries of Asia.

Only two percent of the people here admitted that they had to give a bond for some work.

After this, South Korea’s number is where about 10 percent of people believe that they had to resort to kinship to get work.

According to the report of International Transparency, most of the people of the country believe that the police and the local officer are at the forefront of getting married.

According to the report, it is about 46 percent. After this, the MPs of the country come about whom 42 percent people have such opinion.

After this, 41 percent of people believe that government employees are corrupt in the case of bribery, and 20 percent of the judges sitting in the court.

In this report, widespread corruption in the country has been placed in different categories. For example, 89 percent Indian government corruption remains the biggest problem.

After this, 39 percent consider bribery as a big problem, while 46 percent consider recommended information for anything.

There is also 18 percent of Indians who believe that a note for a vote is a big problem. At the same time, 11 percent admitted that physical exploitation to get work out is a big problem.

There is a general opinion of most Indians about the widespread corruption in the country that it has increased in the last one year. 47 percent Indians are among those who think like this.

At the same time, 27 percent believe that it has decreased, while 23 percent believe that there has been no difference since last year. At the same time, 3 percent do not have any opinion about this.

In the Asian countries, 23 percent of the people of this region consider the police to be the most corrupt. In the other name, 17 percent are those who believe that the court is the most corrupt.

14 percent of Asians believe that the place where identity cards are made is the most corrupt.

It is also necessary to tell you here that from time to time, there have been tremendous movements against corruption spread in the country.

Prominent among them is the JP movement in 1974. This was followed by VP Singh’s agitation against the Bofors case in 1989.

Baba Ramdev’s movement to bring back black money stashed abroad in 2011, including Anna Hazare’s agitation for the Jan Lokpal Bill to curb corruption.

At same time, during the tenure of the Modi government, several measures were taken to prevent corruption. One of these was demonetisation.

Apart from this, the closure of many fake companies was also included in this category.

To prevent corruption, they promoted plastic money or digital money. Under this, many government windows were made online. With its help, corruption could be controlled to a large extent.

Not only this, the government made the biggest attack on corruption by directing the subsidy given to the general public through various items.

To prevent corruption, right to information, public service law, anti-corruption law, Indian Penal Code and many other laws are also present in India.

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