Detection Of Covid-19 Infection Has Become Easy

Detection of Covid-19 infection has become easy, IIT Guwahati has developed a new method. Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati developed a method of detecting the coronavirus (Covid-19) using ‘bio-interface interaction’ between the virus and the protein protrusion on its surface.

According to the researchers, the virus of the coronavirus is made up of SARS COV-2 inner nucleic acid (acid) which is covered with a surface with a prickly glycoprotein. In such a situation, Covid-19 can be detected and prevented.

Developing monolayers on surfaces will benefit, also reduce the risk of getting infected

Lalit M. Pandey, Associate Professor in the Department of Biology and Bioengineering, IIT, said, “So far, we are using antibody detection and RT-PCR techniques to test the corona. But there are some flaws in these processes, such as it takes longer time and the cost is also high.

Apart from this, many times its results also do not come true, due to which the investigation has to be done again. He said that corona virus can be detected rapidly by bio-interface interaction between protein protrusion and surface on the virus surface.

Researchers have developed new method

He said that the interaction between the protein protrusion and the contact surface is an important step in corona virus infection. This type of surface engineering (surface engineering) will help in detecting the virus faster. Second, it will be a very safe process against this virus.

This study focused on surface modification (surface modification) and analysis with bio-interfacial (protein-surface) interactions, Materials Science and Engineering C, Applied Surface Science Longmoor, J. Phys. Chem. C and ACS is published in Biomaterials Science and Engineering.

Pandey stated that we have developed an interesting method of surface modifications (surface engineering) by developing different self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on different surfaces. The risk of infection from this corona patients is also low.

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