Who Can Undertake Amarnath Yatra? Essential Guidelines And Rules For Devotees

Who Can Undertake Amarnath Yatra? Essential Guidelines and Rules for Devotees.

Who Can Undertake Amarnath Yatra: Planning to undertake the challenging Amarnath Yatra?

Discover who is eligible, important guidelines, and special rules for a safe and successful pilgrimage to Baba Barfani. Read more here.

Who can do Amarnath Yatra? What things have to be kept in mind the most? Read the special rules related to the journey here.

Amarnath Yatra will start from tomorrow in Jammu and Kashmir. This pilgrimage is considered very difficult.

In such a situation, it is important for the devotees going to visit Baba Barfani to know what things should be kept in mind during Amarnath Yatra (Amarnath Yatra registration) and most importantly who is allowed for the journey and who is not.

Let’s discuss some important rules related to Amarnath Yatra (Amarnath Yatra information).

Who Can Undertake Amarnath Yatra?

1. First of all, we should know who can visit Baba Barfani and who cannot. It is worth noting that the Amarnath Shrine Board does not allow everyone to travel.

2. There is only one reason for this, the path where Baba Barfani is staying is full of difficulties. During the journey, many challenges come up at every turn for the devotee, from oxygen to complex paths.

3. Children below 13 years of age and elderly above 70 years of age cannot travel.

4. Women who are more than six weeks pregnant are not allowed to undertake the pilgrimage.

5. During the journey, it is advisable not to walk barefoot and not to stay without woolen clothes.

6. Women are advised to wear a salwar kameez, pant-shirt, or tracksuit instead of a saree.

7. One should not choose any shortcut on the route, as it can be dangerous.

8. Do not start the journey on an empty stomach, it can cause serious medical problems.

9. Devotees should not stay overnight in the holy cave considering the weather conditions.


Take special care of these rules.

1. The Amarnath Shrine Board has also made some such rules for the devotees, which if followed can make the journey better and smoother.

2. Prepare for the journey with physical fitness.

3. At least a month before the journey, one should start a morning/evening walk of about 4-5 kilometers every day.

4. Do deep breathing exercises and yoga to improve the body’s oxygen efficiency.

5. If you have any medical condition, get the necessary check-ups done by your doctor before going to high altitude.

6. Drink plenty of water to deal with dehydration and headaches.

7. Avoid exerting yourself beyond your normal capacity before the trip.

8. If you start experiencing symptoms of high altitude sickness during the journey, descend immediately.


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