North Korea’s Hypersonic Missile Explodes After Launch: Global Condemnation Follows

North Korea’s Hypersonic Missile Explodes After Launch: Global Condemnation Follows.

North Korea’s hypersonic missile test off its east coast ended in an explosion shortly after launch.

Senior officials from South Korea, the US, and Japan protested the violation of UN resolutions, calling it a serious threat to regional stability.

North Korea’s hypersonic missile exploded shortly after launch, and senior officials of South Korea, the US, and Japan protested.

North Korea tested a hypersonic missile off its east coast on Wednesday, but it exploded in the air shortly after launch.

South Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff said the missile was launched from near Pyongyang.

According to Japan’s Defense Ministry, the missile covered an altitude of about 100 km and a distance of more than 200 km.

Senior officials of South Korea, the US, and Japan condemned the launch, calling it a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and a serious threat to peace and stability.

The US Indo-Pacific Command has said that we are monitoring the situation. Earlier, North Korea also tested a missile on May 30.

North Korea criticized the deployment of a US aircraft carrier for joint exercises with South Korea and Japan this week.

This missile launch comes a day after the 74th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

Last week, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a mutual defense agreement at a summit.

‘China will capture Taiwan without firing a shot’, think tank’s shocking disclosure, Dragon’s new plan revealed.

There has been a long-standing tension between China and Taiwan.

Now the news is coming that China can take over Taiwan without any military action. This information has come from the American think tank.

The think tank says that China’s army can isolate Taiwan, cripple its economy and force the democratic island to bow down to Beijing’s Communist Party without firing a shot.


Xi Jinping increased concern.

This fear has increased due to Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s increasingly aggressive stance towards Taiwan over the past few years.

In such a situation, concerns about the Communist Party’s intentions to take control of Taiwan by force have intensified.

China’s refusal to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine has further increased these fears.

China will start a military blockade!

Analysts and military strategists said there are two major options available to China, first a full-scale invasion and second a military blockade.

However, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington has also pointed to China’s third and most dangerous option, the grey zone strategy, in addition to the first and second.

Under this, the Chinese coast guard, maritime militia, and maritime security agencies can blockade Taiwan.

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