Saudi Arabia Suspended Airline From 20 Countries

Saudi Arabia suspended airlines from 20 countries including Pakistan, to know which countries are involved.

Saudi Arabia has currently suspended air traffic from 20 countries, including Pakistan, due to rising cases of corona infection.

Now only those people who are citizens of India, diplomats, and doctors, or their relatives are able to enter Saudi Arabia. This order has been implemented from 3 February.

Countries from which Saudi Arabia has banned people coming from UAE, Germany, USA, UK, South Africa, France, Egypt.

Lebanon, Argentina, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Brazil, Portugal, Turkey, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, and India, and the name of India is also included.

According to Saudi Arabia’s State News Agency, Saudi Arabia on 21 December 2020 halted flights to and from foreign countries. It was again extended on 28 December.

All this was done after the new strain of the coronavirus was found in many countries. After this, its limit was opened on 4 January.

Significantly, the countries whose travelers temporarily banned Saudi Arabia include most of the countries where new strains of coronavirus have been reported.

Let us tell you that the Prime Minister of Britain has described this strain as more deadly than the types encountered before. This is the reason that the whole world is taking all precautionary measures in view of this new threat.

Let us also tell you here that India is supplying the Covid-19 vaccine to some of the countries which have been banned by Saudi Arabia.

Not only this, but the name of Saudi Arabia is also included in the countries where India is providing its vaccine.

Let us tell you that so far 368,639 cases of Coronavirus have been reported in Saudi Arabia, out of which 6,383 patients have died and 360,110 patients have been cured.

Talking about Pakistan, so far the number of corona infection patients has reached 547,648 and 11,746 patients have died while 495,863 have been cured.

In Pakistan, the government has started a vaccination campaign to eradicate the coronavirus.

It started on February 2 in the presence of Prime Minister Imran Khan and its first vaccine was administered to the hospital head of Islamabad.

Pakistan has started this after receiving the Corona vaccine of Sinopharm from China. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has also thanked China for this supply.

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