Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe – Step-by-Step Guide

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe – Step-by-Step Guide

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Discover the secrets to making the perfect Dal Makhani with our step-by-step recipe. Learn how to combine black gram lentils and kidney beans with a rich blend of spices for a mouth-watering meal. Follow our detailed instructions and enjoy this beloved dish with your family.

Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Greetings and welcome to our special edition. I am your host and your Chef. We’re going to cook Dal Makhani, which is my absolute favorite dal, today. Not only me but it’s loved by everyone in my family. So come let’s make Dal Makhani.

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Ingredients for Dal Makhani

Here we’ve taken 1 cup of Black gram lentils, and in that, we’ve added a handful of Kidney Beans. If you don’t like Rajma, you can add Split Chickpea instead. Now in this, I’ll add 1 tsp Salt.

Cooking the Dal

Now I will keep this on the gas and will turn on the flame. We will pressure cook this dal. After 1 whistle we’ll lower the flame and will pressure cook for another 2-3 whistles.

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Preparing the Tempering

Till the dal pressure cooks, we’ll make the tempering for it. In that, we’ll add 2 tbsp Ghee (Clarified Butter). 2 Onions, finely chopped. Sauté this well. And now we’ll let this become nice and red.

Adding Spices and Tomatoes

Now as you can see, the Onions have changed their color and it’s become nice and pink. But we have to sauté this some more time. Now our Onion is nicely done. Add 2 tbsp of Ginger-Garlic Paste. Sauté this nicely. Add 3-4 Tomatoes, ground. 1/2 tsp Salt. 1/2 tsp Red Chilli powder. We’ll give this a nice mix. So as you can see the Tomatoes are cooked nicely. This is now ready. For some flavor, we’ll add Coriander Leaves. This mixture is now ready, we’ll now add the Dal.

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Combining Dal and Tempering

We’ll check whether our Dal has cooked or not. Our dal is now cooked. We’ll now add it to the tempering. We’ll give this a nice mix. You can see… that the dal looks so good. The dal has become nice and thick. If you like the Dal thick, you can have it like this. And if you want to make it a little thin, we can add approximately 1 cup of hot water and will let it cook on a low flame for some time.

Final Cooking

We’ll let this dal come to a boil, and then we’ll cook this on low flame for 5-7 minutes. I added 1 cup of hot water later, that is because, when we add hot water, the dal and the water mix nicely. We cannot add cold water because then the Dal and water separate. Now our Dal is all ready.

Adding Final Touches

We’ll now add… 2 tsp Coriander powder. 1 tsp Cumin Powder. 1 tsp Garam Masala. We’ll mix this well. The Dal is ready, we’ll keep this aside.

Authentic and Delicious Dal Makhani Recipe: Preparing Butter Tadka

And now we’ll take a small pan. We’ll add in Butter, we’ll take a good amount of Butter, since the recipe is Dal Makhani. We have to melt the Butter, do not heat it for a long time, or else it may get burnt. To that, we’ll add 1/2 tsp Red chili Powder. And I’ll add this on the dal.


We’ll now add Coriander Leaves. Lastly, we’ll add 2-3 tbsp of Fresh Cream. And if you don’t want to add the Cream because you’re calorie-conscious, your dal will still be that delicious. Our Dal Makhani is ready. We’ll now serve this. Here’s our Dal Makhani all ready to serve. So do make this and relish it. Additionally, garnish with some butter and cream before serving.

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