Anger Erupted Over Efforts By UN Member States: NRF Protested

Anger erupted over efforts by UN member states to recognize the Taliban, Afghanistan’s NRF protested in front of the White House.

A lot has changed in the country after the Taliban took over Afghanistan. The whole world has been witness to how, after the Taliban takeover, panic spread among the people of Afghanistan.

Let us tell you that the Taliban took over the country in August.

After a long time, efforts are being made by the member states of the United Nations to recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Due to this Afghanistan’s national resistance Front (NRF) protested in front of the White House on 30 January.

Anger erupted over efforts by UN member states: National Resistance Front (NRF) protested.

Since the takeover of the Taliban in Afghanistan, a number of decrees have been issued regarding women’s rights. The fundamental rights of women were suppressed by citing Islamic laws.

At the same time, the situation in the country is getting worse day by day. The country is facing many problems along with the struggles of the epidemic, economic crisis, drought-starvation, rain.

As such, efforts by UN member states to recognize the Taliban government in Afghanistan were fiercely opposed by the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan.

Let us tell you that about 50 supporters of Afghanistan’s National Resistance Front (NRF), led by Afghan women’s rights activist Khaleda Nawabi and activist Nasir Sabir, protested fiercely in front of the White House on 30 January.

The anger of the protesters erupted.

Protesters have expressed their anger over the pathetic condition of women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

Protesting in front of the White House (NRF) demanded that all Afghan protesters organized by the Taliban, including women protesters, be released immediately.

The protesters urged the international community to protect the rights of Afghan women.

National Resistance Front (NRF).

After the fall of Kabul on August 15, when all had raised their hands, the NRF was led by Ahmed Masood, son of the late former Afghan guerrilla commander Ahmed Shah Masood who fought the Taliban.

The only group survived. Let us tell you that both Islamic State and NRF are active in the country. Afghan media said the Taliban continues to suppress both these groups.

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