India Coronavirus Updates: 62,538 New Cases Reported

India Coronavirus Updates: 62,538 new cases reported in 24 hours, recovery rate close to 68 percent. The total number of cases has exceeded 20 lakhs. Currently, more than 6 lakh corona cases are active, while 13.78 lakh people have been cured of it. So far 41,585 people have lost their lives due to this virus.

India Coronavirus Updates: The pace of coronavirus has not stopped in the country. According to the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours, the maximum number of 62 thousand 538 cases has been reported and 886 patients have died.

During this, five lakh 74 thousand 783 sample tests were conducted. For the last eight days, more than 50 thousand cases were being reported. More than 62 thousand cases were reported on Thursday.

According to the Health Ministry, so far 20 lakh 27 thousand 075 cases of corona have been reported in the country. Out of these six lakh seven thousand 384 active cases.

At the same time, 13 lakh 78 thousand 106 patients have been cured. 41 thousand 585 patients have died. So far, two crores 27 lakh 24 thousand 134 sample tests have been done.

The recovery rate is 67.98 percent and the death rate is 2.05 percent. Explain that it took 110 days for Corona cases in the country to be one lakh. After this, it took 59 days to reach 10 lakhs and only 21 days to reach the figure beyond 20 lakhs.

Four lakh 79 thousand cases in Maharashtra

A total of four lakh 79 thousand 779 cases have been reported in Maharashtra. Out of these, one lakh 46 thousand 612 are active cases. Three lakh 16 thousand 375 patients have been cured and 16,792 people have died.

Two lakh 79 thousand 144 cases have been reported in Tamil Nadu. Of these, 53 thousand 486 are active cases. Two lakh 21 thousand 087 patients have been cured. At the same time, 4571 patients have died.

One lakh 96 thousand cases in Andhra Pradesh

One lakh 96 thousand 789 cases have been reported in Andhra Pradesh. Of these, 82 thousand 166 are active cases. One lakh 12 thousand 870 patients have been cured and 1,753 people have died.

One lakh 58 thousand 254 cases have been reported in Karnataka. Of these, 75,076 are active cases. 80,281 patients have recovered and 2897 people have died.

One lakh 41 thousand cases of corona in Delhi

So far, one lakh 41 thousand 531 cases of corona have been reported in Delhi. Of these, 10 thousand 348 are active cases. At the same time, one lakh 27 thousand 124 patients have been cured.

One lakh eight thousand 974 cases have been reported in Uttar Pradesh. Of these, 43 thousand 654 are active cases. Of these, 63 thousand 402 patients have been cured and 1918 people have died.

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